God’s Word in the hearts of every person who uses American Sign Language (ASL).

Deaf Harbor’s mission is to provide clear Biblical resources in ASL, transformational special events, in-depth training, and meaningful Christian fellowship opportunities leading to new life and a deeper relationship with Jesus.
We believe that the Bible is God’s message shown to human authors with His authority behind it. It is the only document we can trust to be completely truthful about God’s perspective. We recognize that all translations of the Bible have strengths and weaknesses. But we believe God has preserved His words even in the process of translation.
We believe that there is only one God. He has revealed Himself as one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is God. His mother was a virgin at His birth. Throughout His life, He never sinned. When He died, it was God punishing Him in our place. His death makes it possible for God to offer us forgiveness through His blood. Three days later, Jesus physically rose from the dead. Now Jesus sits at the place of honor at the Father’s right side. We believe that one day Jesus will return and all will see His power and glory.
We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to empower Christians to help them live the way God wants us to live.
We believe the Bible teaches that God created human beings biologically as male and female. Gender is not determined by one’s self-perception. The unique distinctions of male and female reflect the image of God.
We believe that human sexuality is a beautiful, precious gift of God. God intends for us to experience this gift of sex exclusively in a marriage relationship. The Bible clearly teaches marriage is only intended to be a lifelong relationship between one biological man and one biological woman. Any sexual activity with any person (with children, with family members, with persons of the opposite gender, with persons of the same gender, etc.) outside of this marriage relationship is not permitted for Christians.
We believe people are sinners and separated from God. Through Jesus, God offers forgiveness for our sins and reconciliation with Him. If we accept Jesus’ work on our behalf, the Holy Spirit works within us to transform us from the inside out.
We believe that, from God’s perspective, that all true believers in Jesus are united spiritually into one Church, whose Head is Jesus. Though we do not see that with our eyes, we look for ways to demonstrate that true unity through the way we serve God.
We believe that both those who believe in Jesus and those who do not believe in Jesus will be resurrected in their bodies. Those who believe in Jesus will receive bodies like Jesus has and fully experience that eternal life He has prepared for them. Those who do not believe in Jesus will experience judgement for their sins.
We believe God expects Christian leaders to be examples of Christian maturity. This does not mean they must be perfect, but it means that they are clearly working on obeying what the Bible teaches about what is right and what is wrong. When a brother or sister in a leadership role is found in habitual, unrepentant sin, we will follow the steps of Christian discipline given by Jesus to confront that behavior. The goal of Christian discipline is to encourage our brothers and sisters to return to a life that is pleasing to God.
Our Story

Deaf Harbor goes national
Deaf Harbor decides to streamline its focus to Bible translation, the DEC retreat, ASL inspirational resources, and Deaf discipleship. A new organization is planned to continue the local special events hosted by Deaf Harbor

ASL worship music
Deaf Harbor releases 20 ASL songs (complete with bass beats) created by Deaf people for Deaf people.

The 32 ASL-CBS stories are revised and published as an approved Bible translation using the Chronological Bible Translation (CBT) model.

DEC joins Deaf Harbor
DEC becomes a ministry of Deaf Harbor.

Deaf Harbor
SGDC is dissolved and all its assets are given to a new organization named Deaf Harbor.

SGDC decides to partner with DOOR International to develop Chronological Bible Stories (CBS) in ASL.

Deaf Encountering Christ is founded as a separate entity, and has its first retreat in Belle Prairie, MN.