God Creates the World
God Creates the World

God Creates the World

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Creates the First Man and Woman
God Creates the First Man and Woman

God Creates the First Man and Woman

Genesis 2:7-25

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The First Man and Woman Disobey God
The First Man and Woman Disobey God

The First Man and Woman Disobey God

Genesis 3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Cain Becomes Jealous of Abel
Cain Becomes Jealous of Abel

Cain Becomes Jealous of Abel

Genesis 4

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Punishes the World
God Punishes the World

God Punishes the World

Genesis 6:3; 6:5 - 9:17

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Noah Curses Canaan
Noah Curses Canaan

Noah Curses Canaan

Genesis 9:18-29

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Scatters the People of Babel
God Scatters the People of Babel

God Scatters the People of Babel

Genesis 11:1-9

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Abram and Lot Part Ways
Abram and Lot Part Ways

Abram and Lot Part Ways

Genesis 13

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Abram Rescues Lot
Abram Rescues Lot

Abram Rescues Lot

Genesis 14

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Promises the Land to Abram's Children
God Promises the Land to Abram's Children

God Promises the Land to Abram's Children

Genesis 15

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Abram and Sarai Doubt God
Abram and Sarai Doubt God

Abram and Sarai Doubt God

Genesis 16

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Gives the Ceremony of Circumcision
God Gives the Ceremony of Circumcision

God Gives the Ceremony of Circumcision

Genesis 17

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Abraham Has Three Visitors
Abraham Has Three Visitors

Abraham Has Three Visitors

Genesis 18:1-16

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Lot and His Family Narrowly Escape
Lot and His Family Narrowly Escape

Lot and His Family Narrowly Escape

Genesis 18:16 - 19:29

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Abraham Lies to Abimelech about Sarah
Abraham Lies to Abimelech about Sarah

Abraham Lies to Abimelech about Sarah

Genesis 20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Sarah Resents Ishmael
Sarah Resents Ishmael

Sarah Resents Ishmael

Genesis 21:1-19

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Challenges Abraham
God Challenges Abraham

God Challenges Abraham

Genesis 22:1-19

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Joseph's Brothers Betray Him
Joseph's Brothers Betray Him

Joseph's Brothers Betray Him

Genesis 37

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Joseph Resists Temptation
Joseph Resists Temptation

Joseph Resists Temptation

Genesis 39

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Moses is Born in Egypt and Later Flees to Midian
Moses is Born in Egypt and Later Flees to Midian

Moses is Born in Egypt and Later Flees to Midian

Exodus 2

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Picks Moses
God Picks Moses

God Picks Moses

Exodus 3:1 - 4:20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Israel Celebrates the First Passover
Israel Celebrates the First Passover

Israel Celebrates the First Passover

Exodus 12:1-18, 21-22, 24, 26-27, 29-38, 40, 43-46; 13:19

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Shows His Power at the Red Sea
God Shows His Power at the Red Sea

God Shows His Power at the Red Sea

Exodus 13:17-22; 14

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Provides for His People
God Provides for His People

God Provides for His People

Exodus 15:22-27; 16; 17:1-7

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Israel Prepares to Meet God
Israel Prepares to Meet God

Israel Prepares to Meet God

Exodus 19:1-19

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Gives His Ten Commandments
God Gives His Ten Commandments

God Gives His Ten Commandments

Exodus 20:1-17

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Israel Responds to God
Israel Responds to God

Israel Responds to God

Exodus 20:18-21; 24:3-8

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Israel Worships a Golden Calf
Israel Worships a Golden Calf

Israel Worships a Golden Calf

Exodus 24:9-18; 31:18; 32

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Explains Burnt Offerings
God Explains Burnt Offerings

God Explains Burnt Offerings

Leviticus 1

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Miriam and Aaron Criticize Moses
Miriam and Aaron Criticize Moses

Miriam and Aaron Criticize Moses

Numbers 12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Moses Sends 12 Spies
Moses Sends 12 Spies

Moses Sends 12 Spies

Numbers 13 - 14

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Gives Jericho to Israel
God Gives Jericho to Israel

God Gives Jericho to Israel

Joshua 5:13-15; 6

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Israel Fails to Conquer Ai
Israel Fails to Conquer Ai

Israel Fails to Conquer Ai

Joshua 7

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Gives Hannah a Son
God Gives Hannah a Son

God Gives Hannah a Son

1 Samuel 1:1-28; 2:1-11

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Calls Samuel
God Calls Samuel

God Calls Samuel

1 Samuel 2:12-36; 3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Israel Asks for a King
Israel Asks for a King

Israel Asks for a King

1 Samuel 8

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Samuel Anoints David King
Samuel Anoints David King

Samuel Anoints David King

1 Samuel 16:1-13

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
David Faces Goliath
David Faces Goliath

David Faces Goliath

1 Samuel 17

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
David and Bathsheba
David and Bathsheba

David and Bathsheba

2 Samuel 11-12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
An Angelic Army Protects Elisha and His Servant
An Angelic Army Protects Elisha and His Servant

An Angelic Army Protects Elisha and His Servant

2 Kings 6:8-23

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God's Chosen Servant Will Face Suffering
God's Chosen Servant Will Face Suffering

God's Chosen Servant Will Face Suffering

Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; 9:7-8; 53:2-12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
King Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue
King Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue

King Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue

Daniel 3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The King Throws Daniel into the Lions' Den
The King Throws Daniel into the Lions' Den

The King Throws Daniel into the Lions' Den

Daniel 5:31; 6

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Birth of Jesus
The Birth of Jesus

The Birth of Jesus

Matthew 1:19-25; Luke 1:26-44, 46-56; 2:1, 3-20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Satan Challenges Jesus
Satan Challenges Jesus

Satan Challenges Jesus

Matthew 4:1-11

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
John Announces God's Chosen Lamb
John Announces God's Chosen Lamb

John Announces God's Chosen Lamb

John 1:29-34

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Drives Sellers out of the Temple
Jesus Drives Sellers out of the Temple

Jesus Drives Sellers out of the Temple

John 2:13-21

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Nicodemus Meets Jesus
Nicodemus Meets Jesus

Nicodemus Meets Jesus

John 3:1-21

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Meets a Samaritian Woman
Jesus Meets a Samaritian Woman

Jesus Meets a Samaritian Woman

John 4:3-42

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus and Peter Go Fishing
Jesus and Peter Go Fishing

Jesus and Peter Go Fishing

Luke 5:1-11

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Heals a Paralytic
Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Mark 2:1-12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Picks Matthew
Jesus Picks Matthew

Jesus Picks Matthew

Mark 2:13-17

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
A Roman Centurion Surprises Jesus
A Roman Centurion Surprises Jesus

A Roman Centurion Surprises Jesus

Matthew 8:5-13

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet
A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet

A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet

Luke 7:36-50

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Calms a Storm and a Troubled Man
Jesus Calms a Storm and a Troubled Man

Jesus Calms a Storm and a Troubled Man

Mark 4:35 - 5:20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Helps a Bleeding Woman and Jairus' Daughter
Jesus Helps a Bleeding Woman and Jairus' Daughter

Jesus Helps a Bleeding Woman and Jairus' Daughter

Mark 5:21-43

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Peter Walks on Water
Peter Walks on Water

Peter Walks on Water

Matthew 14:21-33

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Meets a Deaf Man
Jesus Meets a Deaf Man

Jesus Meets a Deaf Man

Mark 7:31-37

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Challenges the Pharisees and the Scribes
Jesus Challenges the Pharisees and the Scribes

Jesus Challenges the Pharisees and the Scribes

Matthew 15:1-20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Heals a Boy with a Evil Spirit
Jesus Heals a Boy with a Evil Spirit

Jesus Heals a Boy with a Evil Spirit

Mark 9:14-29

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Explains How to Rebuke Sin
Jesus Explains How to Rebuke Sin

Jesus Explains How to Rebuke Sin

Matthew 18:15-20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
Jesus Encounters an Adulterous Woman
Jesus Encounters an Adulterous Woman

Jesus Encounters an Adulterous Woman

John 8:2-11

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
Jesus Heals a Blind Man
Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

John 9

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Sends Out Seventy-Two, Two by Two
Jesus Sends Out Seventy-Two, Two by Two

Jesus Sends Out Seventy-Two, Two by Two

Luke 10:1-24

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
Jesus Tells about a Good Samaritian
Jesus Tells about a Good Samaritian

Jesus Tells about a Good Samaritian

Luke 10:25-37

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Tells about a Sheep, a Coin, and a Son
Jesus Tells about a Sheep, a Coin, and a Son

Jesus Tells about a Sheep, a Coin, and a Son

Luke 15

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Tells about the Rich Man and Lazarus
Jesus Tells about the Rich Man and Lazarus

Jesus Tells about the Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Faces the Death of a Friend
Jesus Faces the Death of a Friend

Jesus Faces the Death of a Friend

John 11:1-53

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Pharisees Ask Jesus about Divorce
The Pharisees Ask Jesus about Divorce

The Pharisees Ask Jesus about Divorce

Matthew 19:3-12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Zaccheus Meets Jesus
Zaccheus Meets Jesus

Zaccheus Meets Jesus

Luke 19:1-10

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus and His Disciples Have Their Last Supper Together
Jesus and His Disciples Have Their Last Supper Together

Jesus and His Disciples Have Their Last Supper Together

Luke 22:7-20; Matthew 26:28; John 13:4-30; Matthew 26:30

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
Jesus is the Vine
Jesus is the Vine

Jesus is the Vine

John 15:1-8

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Matthew 26:30-46

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Has a Trial before the Jewish Leaders
Jesus Has a Trial before the Jewish Leaders

Jesus Has a Trial before the Jewish Leaders

Matthew 26:47-56, 59-66; 27:3-5; John 18:13-24; Luke 22:58-65

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Has a Trial Before the Roman Governor
Jesus Has a Trial Before the Roman Governor

Jesus Has a Trial Before the Roman Governor

Luke 23:1-16; Matthew 27:15-31; John 18:28-38

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus is Crucified and Buried
Jesus is Crucified and Buried

Jesus is Crucified and Buried

Matthew 27:32-43; Luke 23:34, 39-43; Matthew 27:45-56

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Rises from the Dead
Jesus Rises from the Dead

Jesus Rises from the Dead

Matthew 28:2-4; Mark 16:1, 3-8; John 20:1-18

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
A Stranger Appears on the Way to Emmaus
A Stranger Appears on the Way to Emmaus

A Stranger Appears on the Way to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

John 20:19-29

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jesus Teaches His Disciples Before He Returns to Heaven
Jesus Teaches His Disciples Before He Returns to Heaven

Jesus Teaches His Disciples Before He Returns to Heaven

Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:3-12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Holy Spirit Comes and 3,000 People Believe
The Holy Spirit Comes and 3,000 People Believe

The Holy Spirit Comes and 3,000 People Believe

Acts 2:1-41

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
New Believers Meet Together
New Believers Meet Together

New Believers Meet Together

Acts 2:42-47

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
A Crippled Man Healed and Peter Preaches
A Crippled Man Healed and Peter Preaches

A Crippled Man Healed and Peter Preaches

Acts 3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Peter and John Arrested
Peter and John Arrested

Peter and John Arrested

Acts 4:1-31

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Believers Share Their Possessions
The Believers Share Their Possessions

The Believers Share Their Possessions

Acts 4:32 - 5:11

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
An Angel Frees the Apostles from Prison
An Angel Frees the Apostles from Prison

An Angel Frees the Apostles from Prison

Acts 5:12-42

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Church Appoints Seven Deacons
The Church Appoints Seven Deacons

The Church Appoints Seven Deacons

Acts 6:1-7

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Stephen is Arrested, Condemned, and Stoned for His Faith
Stephen is Arrested, Condemned, and Stoned for His Faith

Stephen is Arrested, Condemned, and Stoned for His Faith

Acts 6:8 - 8:3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
Philip Shares the Message with an Ethiopian Man
Philip Shares the Message with an Ethiopian Man

Philip Shares the Message with an Ethiopian Man

Acts 8:26-40

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info Extra
Saul's Encounter on the Road to Damascus
Saul's Encounter on the Road to Damascus

Saul's Encounter on the Road to Damascus

Acts 9:1-25

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Jewish Believers Accept Gentile Believers
Jewish Believers Accept Gentile Believers

Jewish Believers Accept Gentile Believers

Acts 11:1-18

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Church in Antioch
The Church in Antioch

The Church in Antioch

Acts 11:19-30

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Herod Puts Peter in Prison
Herod Puts Peter in Prison

Herod Puts Peter in Prison

Acts 12:1-24

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
A Magician Tries to Prevent God's Word
A Magician Tries to Prevent God's Word

A Magician Tries to Prevent God's Word

Acts 12:25; 13:1-12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul and Barnabas Appoint Elders
Paul and Barnabas Appoint Elders

Paul and Barnabas Appoint Elders

Acts 14:21-28

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul and Barnabas Decide to Go Separate Ways
Paul and Barnabas Decide to Go Separate Ways

Paul and Barnabas Decide to Go Separate Ways

Acts 15:35-41

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Living by the Spirit's Power
Living by the Spirit's Power

Living by the Spirit's Power

Galatians 5:13-26

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Goes to Macedonia
Paul Goes to Macedonia

Paul Goes to Macedonia

Acts 16:1-15

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul and Silas Placed in Prison
Paul and Silas Placed in Prison

Paul and Silas Placed in Prison

Acts 16:16-40

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul and Silas Travel to Thessalonica and Berea
Paul and Silas Travel to Thessalonica and Berea

Paul and Silas Travel to Thessalonica and Berea

Acts 17:1-15

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Travels to Corinth
Paul Travels to Corinth

Paul Travels to Corinth

Acts 18:1-11

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Apollos Speaks Boldly about Jesus
Apollos Speaks Boldly about Jesus

Apollos Speaks Boldly about Jesus

Acts 18:24-28

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Travels to Ephesus
Paul Travels to Ephesus

Paul Travels to Ephesus

Acts 19:1-20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Warns Against Sexual Sins
Paul Warns Against Sexual Sins

Paul Warns Against Sexual Sins

1 Corinthians 6:9-20

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Teaches about Marriage and Singleness
Paul Teaches about Marriage and Singleness

Paul Teaches about Marriage and Singleness

1 Corinthians 7

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Gives a Warning about The Lord's Supper
Paul Gives a Warning about The Lord's Supper

Paul Gives a Warning about The Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians 12

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Warns about Hardships
Paul Warns about Hardships

Paul Warns about Hardships

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Returns to Jerusalem and Gets Arrested
Paul Returns to Jerusalem and Gets Arrested

Paul Returns to Jerusalem and Gets Arrested

Acts 21:17-40; 22

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul’s Journey to Rome as a Prisoner
Paul’s Journey to Rome as a Prisoner

Paul’s Journey to Rome as a Prisoner

Acts 27 - 28

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Describes Marriage Relationships
Paul Describes Marriage Relationships

Paul Describes Marriage Relationships

Ephesians 5:22-33

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Describes God's Armor
Paul Describes God's Armor

Paul Describes God's Armor

Ephesians 6:10-18

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Striving for the Prize
Striving for the Prize

Striving for the Prize

Philippians 3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
Paul Gives Advice about Leaders in the Church
Paul Gives Advice about Leaders in the Church

Paul Gives Advice about Leaders in the Church

1 Timothy 3:1-13

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
John Writes to the 7 Churches
John Writes to the 7 Churches

John Writes to the 7 Churches

Revelation 1-3

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
God Preserves His People
God Preserves His People

God Preserves His People

Revelation 7

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info
The Beast from the Sea and the Beast from the Earth
The Beast from the Sea and the Beast from the Earth

The Beast from the Sea and the Beast from the Earth

Revelation 13

Passage with Intro Passage with Intro & More Info