CBT Dictionary -People- A Aaron Abimelech Abram/Abraham Apostles B Barnabas Bathsheba C Caesar Caiaphas Caleb Canaan D Daniel David Disciples E Elisha Esau F G Gentile Goliath H Hagar Ham Hannah I Isaiah Ishmael Israel J Jacob Japheth John (Disciple of Jesus) John the Baptist Joseph Joseph (Husband of Mary) Joshua Judah Judas K King Herod L Lazarus Levite M Mary (Mother of Jesus) Mary Magdalene Matthew Medes-Persian Moses N Nebuchadnezzar Nicodemus O P Paul Peter Pharaoh Pharisees Philistines Pontius Pilate Potiphar Q R Roman S Sadducees Samuel Sarai/Sarah Sergius Paulus Shem Stephen T Timothy U Uriah V W X Y Z Zacchaeus -Places- A Antioch Asia Athens B Babylon & Babylonia Bethel Bethlehem C Cyprus D E Ethiopia F G Galilee, Samaria & Judea H I J Jericho Jerusalem K L M N O P Q R S Shechem Sinai Succoth T U V W X Y Z -Key Terms- A Alpha & Omega Ark of Covenant Atonement B Baptism Believer Bless Blessed C Church Consecrate Creation Curse D Deacon E Elder Empire F Filled with the Holy Spirit G Glory Grace H Hebrew Holy I I AM WHO I AM In the name of Jesus Christ J Justice Justified K L land flowing with milk and honey Lord Lord's Supper M Mercy Metaphor Miracle N Nation O Overseer P Passover Prefect Purity Q R Revelation Righteous Righteousness S Sanctified/Sanctification Sanhedrin Satrap Saved/Salvation Sexual immorality Son of Man T Tabernacle Tetrarch The Angel of the Lord The Living God The Spirit of God Tomb Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Tree of Life U Unleavened Bread V Valley W Wilderness X Y Z Curtis Oldfather2022-02-20T17:21:16-06:00