3.15.2 – June 24, 2024

  • Added Transformed in Devo channel
  • Changed contents for Devo – Jan 13, 2024

  • Fixed picture links in CBT pages

3.15.1 – Aug 12, 2023

  • Added With/Without Lyrics tab for music

3.15 – May 28, 2022

  • Added title categories and jump in CBT’s Chronological Bible Order page

3.14.1 – March 12, 2022

  • Transferred content to TV channel
    • Living stone
    • Devo

3.14 – Feb 20, 2022

  • Changed CBT (Traditional Bible Book Order) style
  • End All-in-One Video Gallery plugin service
  • Changed to all channels’ individual video layout
  • Changed main TV page from Categories to Channels

3.13 – Jan 8, 2022

  • Added CBT Library
  • Change icons for CBT view
  • Added CBT menu for each view page

3.12.01 – Jan 3, 2022

  • Changed contents for CBT

3.12 – Dec 21, 2021

  • Added 2 buttons for the music library for 2 options for downloading videos.
  • Change style for the backend for the video editor team to make it more clearly visible on the database pages.

3.11.01 – Dec 7, 2021

  • Changed contents for CBT

3.11 – Nov 13, 2021

  • Complete TV library database
    • Living Stone
  • Created version history page

3.10 – Oct 30, 2021

  • Complete TV library database
    • CBT
      • Extra
    • Devo
    • Music
    • Living Stone
    • Categories
      • CBT
      • Music
    • Downloadable link for Music

3.01 to 3.09

  • Sorry, we don’t have a track note for 3.01 to 3.09.

3.00 – June 12, 2021

  • We moved from the All-In-One Video Gallery to Gravity Forms and GravityViews.
    • Reason: Release new video faster than version 2 and more custom with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
      • How it is better: versions 1 and 2 require was used the webmaster’s time to post every video that releases a new video. Now video editor team can post a new video on this website without needing the webmaster.

2.0 – Aug 3, 2020

  • Create a custom powered by Avada, the library was for CBT only and linked to the All-In-One Video Gallery plugin.
  • WARNING this link is outdated and soon video pages from version 1 will be away.
    • https://deafharbor.org/tv/cbt-old/ ((End of service – Feb 20, 2022))

1.0 – Feb 26, 2019

  • We use the All-In-One Video Gallery plugin for videos.

Library version 3.15.2 – History