Jesus: His Life

Deaf Harbor - Official Music Video for “Jesus: His Life”

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A town long ago, overlooked
Of no importance
Whoa, whoa, wait
Wise men following a bright star
Angels blazing in the sky, sharing peace
A baby Jesus wrapped by His mother

All witnessed by shepherds
News of the Savior spread
And heaven and earth
A light in this dark world

A crowd gathers, drawn to Jesus
Teacher and healer
Working miracles
The lame runs again, healed
Jealous leaders gossip and judge
Others are called to follow and learn

Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life
News spread and more follow
He is the Messiah!
Is He really?
Here to serve and love all

Surrounded and taken captive
Beaten and whipped
Insulted and mocked
Shouts of “Crucify Him” on all sides
Nailed to a cross by soldiers
Disciples weeping in disbelief, grieving

His life given up, bleeding
The world’s sins on His shoulders
And heaven and earth
Forsake Him
A body wrapped in a dark tomb

Angels arrive, shaking the earth
Jesus is risen!
Shock and terror
A race to the empty tomb
Weeping women witness a miracle
The disciples’ despair turns into joy

Defeating death left marks
People now connect to God through Him
He is the King!
Worthy of praise
His rule and His throne
Lasting forever

For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish
but have eternal life.

For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish
but have eternal life.

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